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Rory McIlroy vs Jordan Spieth Swing Sequence Analysis
Between Jordan Spieth and Rory McIlroy, current world ranking number 1 and 2 respectively, who is a better player? Despite their dominance in the modern era, they take two very different approaches to how the game is played.
Young Guns of Gold – The Changing of the Guard
Golf is currently entering an exciting stage in its long history, we are emerging from the Tiger era and entering the era of the young guns. The baton has well and truly been passed on and it is easy to see who the new guard is when we look at the top of the world golf rankings.
Launch it like Rory
Rory McIlroy is without doubt one of the greatest Driver’s of the golf ball in recent years and has constantly used this to his advantage to bring golf courses to their knees. When we look at Rory’s build he would not be your traditional long levered powerhouse like Dustin Johnson or Brooks Koepka, but Rory uses the speed and power he has extremely efficiently, and maximizes his ball speed and distance as a result.